From now on, she's the secret guard Ling Xi

The silver sports car was speeding on the wide Airport Highway.

The driver was Wei Luo. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the window. The salty and wet sea breeze unique to Yun Cheng's summer blew in from the outside, messing up Wei Luo's chestnut-colored short hair.

Right now, from a certain perspective, they could be considered 'having an affair and fleeing'.

However, Wei Luo did not have the slightest awareness of 'having an affair and escaping'.

On the other hand, Ling Xi, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, had his long hair hanging down to both sides of his chest. His slender fingers were twisted together on his knees, and he would occasionally glance at the rearview mirror to check on the situation behind the car.

Compared to Wei Luo's leisure, she was extremely nervous.