The engagement ceremony begins

What was going on?

What was this man, who was so good-looking that he looked like he had just walked out of a painting, saying?

He seemed to have said Wei Luo Jue Jue

The man's lips curved into a devilish smile. "I said, your Wei Luo will never marry that woman. And the child in that woman's stomach will not be Wei Luo's child."

"Yingluo, what do you mean? You're cursing our male God to be cuckolded!"

One of the girls suddenly reacted, and her slightly dazed eyes immediately turned into a protective look for her idol.

The other two girls also echoed.

The man who had appeared out of nowhere laughed."I'm just telling the truth. If you don't believe me, Zhenzhen, you'll see tonight."

After saying that, the man put the black sunglasses back on his handsome face, covering the pair of black eyes that were a little undisciplined.

After that, he turned around and left, not caring about the three girls who were still standing there in a daze.