Bringing Milk

Chi Yang did hear his room door being opened. He had wanted to put on his bathrobe and take a look outside but at this hour, the only person he could think of opening his room door was his future wife. No other people popped into his mind. After all, Zhong Qianqian was hugely embarrassed just now and was even berated by Zhong Kuijun.

That was why he did not put on the bathrobe, which would have covered his entire body. Instead, he had put on a towel around his waist, just enough to cover the important parts. He had even specifically chosen a short towel and admired his naked torso through the bathroom mirror.

A satisfied look flashed across his usually serious face and he walked out in it.

His expected future wife was absent. In her place was Zhong Qianqian in a disgustingly revealing lace organdie dress that was almost see-through. She was standing in his room, creepily sniffing his military uniform.