Being Sexy For The Master Is Not Coquettish

"Aiden, are you joking? Why would Auntie think that you're stupid? What I mean to say is that our Nuannuan is stupid. After all, she came from the farming district and has never seen the rest of the world before, which is why she'd carry out such a scandalous act. However, you can rest assured as our Qianqian grew up under the strictest aristocratic education provided, that she'd never carry out an act like this."

Aiden fumed with anger. He could not figure out why their wise and powerful big boss would rather stay in a broken family and be wronged than return to her kingly throne. He replied in a deep voice, 

"You can exaggerate as much as you want, but you seem to have forgotten that Nuannuan had already handed the item to me right from the start, and that the person who will be attending the auction and handling the follow-up process will be myself. Nuannuan is just contributing her name to this arrangement. After all, the item belongs to her."