
When she arrived, Chi Yang was already waiting at the entrance.

As the car came to a steady halt, Zhong Nuannuan immediately got down from the car and ran toward Chi Yang. She originally wanted to give him a hug, but she glanced at the haystack inside the gate, the corner of the wall, and beside the trash can… There were even heads sneaking under the house beams, so Zhong Nuannuan decisively gave up on her idea and stopped half a step in front of Chi Yang. 

In next moment, her body was gently held by a warm, large hand, and she planted herself firmly in Chi Yang's embrace.

After hearing his reassuring and strong heartbeat, Zhong Nuannuan, who was originally still a little shy, became enchanted by the warmth of his arms, causing her to push all her worries to the back of her mind. Greedily, she deeply inhaled his clear breath into her nasal cavity before letting it settle in her lungs where it proceeded to envelop her entire being.