I Like You

"Leng Qirui and I have never met before, I sat on his seat at school today, and in the end, he tried to pick a quarrel with me when he arrived. Hence, I beat up his butler. Despite this, he not only did he not get angry, he unexpectedly even confessed to me after school in the afternoon. What can I do? I'm innocent! However, I told him that I have a fiancé and I love my fiancé very much, while he's not my cup of tea."

Chi Yang's thin lips tightened and his expression remained serious. However, after hearing her say that she loved her fiancé very much, even though he clearly still had a serious expression, the cold draught around him disappeared.

"What did you just say?" Chi Yang looked at Zhong Nuannuan intently, hoping that she would repeat what she had just said.

Zhong Nuannuan jumped up, hugged Chi Yang's neck, went close to his ear and whispered, "I said, I love my fiancé very much, and that he's not my cup of tea."