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Chi Yang closed his eyes to rest, which caused Zhong Nuannuan to think that Chi Yang had fallen asleep. After she was done with the massage, she lightened the pressure and started inserting needles into his head.

The blood circulation in his head sped up after the needles were inserted. Chi Yang could even feel his head relaxing after the silver needles were inserted.

Chi Yang had planned to pretend to go to sleep, but he soon genuinely dozed off during this comfortable experience.

Zhong Nuannuan gently removed the needles after half an hour. Despite the dizzying sensation in her head improving from the day before, she was still unable to hold on for long. Thus, she collapsed into a deep sleep the moment she laid down and nestled herself into Chi Yang's arms.

Chi Yang was woken up by a ringing phone.

He had been sleeping quite soundly.