The Inner Workings Of Things

"We are police officers handling a case under the military base's judicial court in Jiang District. My name is Zhou Mei, this is my military officer ID, this is my arrest warrant, and this is your school principal's approval letter for our inquiry."

After displaying her military officer ID, the officer said, "Xue Miqi, we suspect that you are involved in a case of attempted murder, please cooperate with our investigation and come with us.

"Zhong Qianqian, we suspect that the mastermind behind the attempted murder is you, so please also cooperate with our investigation and come with us."

No matter how ruthless Xue Miqi and Zhong Qianqian were, they were still just Year 3 Senior students.

Thus, after being ordered so coldly by the two officers, Xue Miqi immediately collapsed from her seat and sat paralyzed on the ground.

As for Zhong Qianqian, her eyes were wide open, and her face was filled with disbelief.