Eating Poop Live

Zhong Nuannuan walked to Wu Wenqian's side. "That slap just now was to tell you that food can simply be eaten, but words cannot simply be said. If I hear you say something bad about her again, even if it's just one sentence, you can kiss goodbye to your face." 

Wu Wenqian's feet were swollen after being stepped on by Zhong Nuannuan, and her face had also been slapped by Zhong Nuannuan. She was in so much pain that she almost collapsed, and now, when faced with Zhong Nuannuan's warning, she shrank in fright and no longer dared to say anything. 

Selina sneered. "Climbing onto beds, that's something that only a woman that cannot be brought to the table like Zhong Qianqian would do. So what if she is engaged? She's just a vassal for the young master of a small rich family. Is something like this even worth showing off?"