Yang Yi’s Surveillance

He suppressed the gloominess within him as he stood up and helped this precious lady cut up her steak into little pieces.

Leng Qirui could not help calling her out when he saw Selina had clearly used the wrong skill, "I told you to use this particular skillset here. You'll be slowed down a lot by using the wrong tactic."

"Oh, oh, oh. Sorry sorry!"

When it came to gaming, Selina quite idolized Leng Qirui. One word from him and she would immediately apologize good-naturedly; She acted like the perfect student. It was only during moments like these that Leng Qirui was able to rekindle his manly dignity.

Selina took a fork and poked it into a piece of steak, sending it straight into her mouth.

The meat melted in her mouth and she could not help exclaiming, "This steak is really deliciously done."

"Focus and concentrate!"