Till Death Do Us Part

"That also means, once you fall in love with me, that it's till death do us part, right?"

Zhong Nuannuan was baffled. That was totally not what she meant! 

"Big Brother, don't always change the subject. I know you obviously understand what I mean. I'm very thankful for the help you provided when I was young. I'm also truly grateful that you stood by me—aiding me in destroying the KE organization, enabling me to become a free person, even helping me manage my business. However, trusting you, depending on you, and adoring you doesn't mean that I'm going to like you..."

"Oh, enough of that, Nuannuan. Have you noticed that you've been nagging more and more like an old lady lately?"

Zhong Nuannuan, "…!"

"I already know about what happened to Venato. Seeing as how you chose Sanji, you should let Sanji take Venato's place. I'm hanging up."

"Big Brother, I'm not done talking."