More Tragic Than Being Single…

When he saw Nuannuan smiling so happily in the photo as he fed her, a gentle smile appeared on his face.

After Chi Yang received the photo, he returned to his seat. Nuannuan quickly reached out and snatched Chi Yang's phone to look at their photo. When she saw the gentleness in Chi Yang's eyes when he put food into her bowl, she immediately fell in love with the photo and forwarded it to herself. Then, she unlocked her phone and turned the photo into her screensaver.

Chi Yang did not do that. After all, the nature of his job was different—he did not want his enemies to see Nuannuan's picture and go after her. Therefore, not only did he not set it up as a screensaver, he even placed it inside a secret folder to protect it. When he wanted to see it, he could pull it out anytime.

Meanwhile, the girls at the table who took pictures of Chi Yang and Nuannuan lost their appetite.