Rip-off Chi Yang

Aiden might not mind, but Leng Qirui minded that a lot, for God's sake!

Leng Qirui was scared out of his wits. He was about to say something when Selina spoke first.

"Shoo, shoo, shoo. My Young Brother Leng is obviously a straight man. How could he be bent by you? You're such a shameless person. Just because you want to play games with Young Brother Leng, you're trying to make him yours. How can you be so shameless, so despicable? Right, Young Brother Leng?"

Leng Qirui threw Selina a mechanical glance and suddenly felt that this Tyrannosaurus Rex was much better than Aiden.

If he had to choose, he would 100% choose Selina, no doubt about that.

However, Aiden possessed a dignified sense of superiority. Although Leng Qirui did not know what, his sixth sense told him not to offend Aiden.

Leng Qirui laughed dryly. He had never rejected a man before.