A Queen's Mentality


"What? Pay up! If you don't pay me, I can also apply for the judicial court to carry out this justice. That will be detrimental to you, the Ling family."

"I'll pay up!"

After Ling Li recovered his life, he finally thought it through even though he was still angry.

Just like what Zhong Nuannuan said, the Ling family had poor judgment in the sense that they mistook pearls for fish eyes. They placed such a rare imperial jade in a pile of stones meant for wholesale. Even if Zhong Nuannuan did not buy the stone today, someone else would have bought it in the future. All in all, it would have nothing to do with the Ling family anyway.

Ling Li handed the 20 million check to Zhong Nuannuan and said, "Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome. Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Ling."

When Zhong Nuannuan saw that Ling Li started being polite to her, she reciprocated the same politeness.

"Grandpa, let's go."