
After being yelled at by Jiang Hanlin and Zhong Kuijun, Xie Congrong lost all her courage to speak up all of a sudden.

Gu Mingzhe refused to stay any longer with these poor ass relatives with holes in their brains, so he left with Zhong Qianqian.

After Zhong Kuijun sent Zhong Qianqian and Gu Mingzhe off, he turned around and approached Xie Congrong. Without saying a word, he slapped her face. The sound rang across the air.

Xie Congrong lost her balance and fell off the chair.

"Zhong Kuijun, what are you doing? Why did you hit me? Is this your revolt?" Grandma Jiang was scared out of her wits and scolded him harshly.

Jiang Hanlin and Jiang Shuwan also pulled Xie Congrong up from the ground hastily.

"If we weren't in the same boat, I would have divorced Jiang Shuwan and broken up with the Jiang family a long time ago! Jiang Hanlin is right. Everyone in this family is an idiot!"