The Captain Was Too Much

What Gu Mingzhe needed to do now was to let Zhong Qianqian return to the Nangong family and then let the Nangong family help the Gu family get out of their predicament. The rest was to get married and think of a way to get along with Nuannuan after they got married.

Right now, Nuannuan did not seem to like him much because of Zhong Qianqian.

It did not matter, though.

One day, he, Gu Mingzhe, would be able to soar to the sky. When that time came—when he became a second-tier wealthy family—he believed that Nuannuan would definitely realize who was the better one between Gu Mingzhe and the soldier, Chi Yang.


The next day, in the special forces team.

Everyone was undergoing rigorous training. On the field, all the soldiers in the special forces were performing difficult actions one after another without fail.