
Although the duo entered last, their aura and looks were enough to thoroughly suppress everyone's resentful gazes!

The woman looked at Chi Yang and could not help but lament—he was too handsome!

The men looked at Nuannuan and could not help but lament—she was too beautiful!

These two were simply a match made in heaven!

All of a sudden, nobody was convinced that this was the same lowly military officer with his insignificant wife who just happened to possess Moonlight that everyone had been discussing just now. 

Judging from their aura, they must not belong in the ordinary crowd, no?

Today, Gu Mingzhe accompanied Zhong Qianqian and Huang Yuhan here. Since Gu Mingzhe was the son of a third-tier wealthy family, and Huang Yuhan was a young lady from a second-tier wealthy family, the organizer made sure to arrange their seats very close to the front.