Zhong Qianqian Is Doomed

When Zhong Qianqian saw the video recording, every limb on her body turned into jelly.

Even though the video had just started, she already knew what would happen next.

Zhong Qianqian glared at Zhong Nuannuan viciously.


How did she get this video?

Could it be that when Zhong Qianqian pushed Zhou Jinhui down, Zhong Nuannuan was filming her?

Zhong Qianqian was undeniably the most miraculous snowflake ever existed.

After all, although Zhong Nuannuan appeared at a completely different location from where the video was taken, Zhong Qianqian still managed to blame Zhong Nuannuan.

She lived up her name as a flunk in her academics indeed.

She was an utter moron.