The Last Group Of People

Yang Min was stunned and smiled. "It's nothing. It's just a migraine; an old problem. That's the reason I couldn't remain in the special forces and became a diplomatic ambassador instead."

"Outstanding people shine wherever they go."

There was a hint of loneliness in Yang Min's eyes. "Yet, I owe my family."

Zhong Nuannuan smiled and did not try to comfort her anymore.

After all, if she had to be separated from Chi Yang and meet only once a year, she just could not do it.

Therefore, she felt like she should not continue on this topic.

Zhong Nuannuan chatted with Yang Min for a while before turning to look at Old Master Wu. "Old Master Wu, the elevator is operating normally. You and Miss Wu should leave on the third trip down."

Wu Maosong wanted to say that he wanted to follow Zhong Nuannuan, but he swallowed his words.