Huge Explosion

Luo Shangyi sneered. "Is making a report useful? If I make the report, will you guys rush into my house with guns and protect my daughter? Do you believe that the moment I lodge a report, the next thing I see… will be my daughter's corpse?"

Luo Shangyi's words sent Chi Yang and Leng Jinpeng lapsing into a long silence.

It was a disgrace to the military base.

As a soldier, he could not even protect his own family, so how could he talk about achieving military deeds and protecting his country?

However, Luo Shangyi laughed. "It doesn't matter. After that demon set his eyes on our home, I've been trying to free myself from it. Today, the demon gave me a mission. As long as I complete the mission, my daughter will be free."

The minute he was done talking, the whole building erupted in multiple explosions simultaneously, starting on the 76th floor.

"Chi Yang!"