Hardcore Fan Of Meteor Garden

After going through such trauma, the old master needed to rest at home. Since Chi Yang had to settle plenty of matters in the military base, Zhong Nuannuan stayed at home to accompany the old master, of course.

Lijing Mansion was the biggest and most luxurious five-star hotel in Jiang District. Yet, an appalling explosion occurred there yesterday.

The news today announced that there was a problem with the building. As one of the Four Dominant Families in Camino, the Xiao family, with the excuse of wanting to build the safest hotel for people, blew up the building themselves and rebuilt it on the original location.

Although the huge explosion yesterday was dangerous, none of the guests were injured or killed in the explosion. Everyone praised the Jiang District military base's execution and effort.

Therefore, when the military base appeared and asked to seal their mouths, everyone cooperated unconditionally.