Pig Trotters

Although that pig was an excellent pig, it was still a pig!

Thinking about how their wonderful Lil Nuannuan would hug a pig trotter just like that stirred up plenty of discomfort in them!

Chi Yang, who was far away in Jiang District, had no idea that an excellent pig like him had become the Wolf King's target, and the Wolf King was bringing a pack of wolves over to eat up the pig. Chi Yang could not help but sneeze a dozen times. The guards thought that he caught a cold and silently prepared a box of flu-relieving medicine for him.

Due to the specially arranged afternoon press conference, everyone ate something before leaving in the morning. Therefore, even though it was already two in the afternoon when they arrived at Nangong Qin's villa, they were not hungry.

However, before Nangong Qin left in the morning, he instructed the butler to prepare pastries, fruits, and snacks that girls liked according to the best standards.