Returning To The Gu Family With Their Bloodline

"Even so, while I took the blame in your stead, what were you and your mother doing to me on the other hand? Yet, you claim that I'm a demon… Zhong Qianqian, you and your mother are scum that demons wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. I told you not to provoke me. The consequences of provoking me weren't something you could afford to face, but you just wouldn't listen. Since you didn't believe me, have a taste of my revenge then!

"Sadly, what a pity. You're still Gu Mingzhe's lawfully wedded wife, and you're even pregnant. Otherwise…"

Nangong Nuannuan did not finish her sentence, but Zhong Qianqian grabbed onto her last straw.

"Pregnant? What did you say? I'm pregnant? I'm pregnant with Brother Mingzhe's baby?"

This news was a huge surprise to Zhong Qianqian. A piece of good news that fell from the sky!

Even if the Gu family would not accept her as their daughter-in-law, they would have to consider the child in her belly, right?