Wicked Finds Wicked

"How dare you treat me like this? You… you're dead! I'll make sure you can't survive in the military!"

After that, Selina gave Leng Jinchen's shoulder another kick, dislocating her arm. Leng Jinchen lay on the ground in pain, unable to get up. Then, Selina finally responded, "Are you nuts? My superior? I'm the big boss of this group of people, and you're threatening me about surviving?! Idiot, you don't even know who I am and you dare cause such a ruckus. Why don't you continue to yell and find out if I'll really kill you? After all, I can always just blame Ye Hai if you die."

Leng Jinchen and Leng Jinjie were terrified.

After Selina finished telling Leng Jinchen off, the soldiers from the 'special forces' took off their helmets. Scanning their faces, Leng Jinchen and Leng Jinjie were aghast to find that none of them were from the military base. They were all Caucasians, and those murderous eyes reminded them of…