Were You Experimented On Too?

Nuannuan blew up the head of another person who was about to rush forward.

However, the moment his head was blown off, another two suddenly jumped out from their left and right and showered a rain of bullets onto Nuannuan and her crew.

While dodging the bullets, they also counterattacked.

However, this group of people was different from the bugged people in the village below the mountain. The second they attacked, Nuannuan and her crew knew that these people underwent strict training.

For them to have undergone strict training, they were much stronger and tougher. They were initially mercenaries with some sort of ranking. After being experimented on, they were no longer afraid of being hurt or feeling pain. They could heal much faster than before with stronger abilities than before.

If the person was only a Rank-2A mercenary before going through the experiment, then they would definitely become a Rank-3S mercenary post-experiment.