Poor Lil Sun

"Auntie, I want to touch it too!" Lil Sun was beaming with anticipation.

Nuannuan replied with a smile, "It's called Da Bai. You all know that it's a lion, a ferocious beast, so it's not really up to me if you can touch it or not. Da Bai has to decide itself. But don't worry, I've already told Da Bai. It won't bite."

Upon hearing that Da Bai would not bite anyone, Lil Ling'er was instantly ready to touch Da Bai.

As long as she touched him, even if Da Bai disagreed, it would not bite her because her aunt had said that Da Bai would not bite.

Thus, Lil Ling'er extended her hand toward Da Bai, catching him off guard as her hand petted its body.

Da Bai's soft fur and muscular body were extremely comfortable to touch.

Lil Ling'er, who had always taken a liking to soft and fluffy things since she was young, rubbed her hands together in excitement.