Offended Everyone

After saying that, Feng Shengxuan asked Old Master Nangong to wait for a while. Then, he went to the trunk of the car and took out a box before handing it over to Old Master Nangong. "It's our first time meeting. Please accept this little token from me."

Old Master Nangong laughed and put their dark history behind them. Having a cunning fox become one of their own was simply a bonus.

"Since you're Nuannuan's brother, I won't stand on ceremony then."

Feng Shengxuan's smile stiffened for a moment, but he did not argue with the old master on the whole thing about calling him Nuannuan's brother.

After all, actions speak louder than words.

"These are my Eldest Uncle and Eldest Aunt-in-law."

"Hello, Eldest Uncle. Hello, Eldest Aunt." Feng Shengxuan was acquiescent.

Nangong Shu laughed and asked, "We'll be family from now on. You won't snatch weapons from me anymore, right?"

Nuannuan, "…"