Wrath Of The Masses

Sometimes, a single attack could hurt so much that the victim lost half their lifespan, but nobody could detect anything physically.

Therefore, Kitano Satoshi guessed that he had fallen into Nuannuan's schemes.

However, there was nothing he could say anymore.

He was the one who had brought this matter up—Yamato was the one who started the provocation. Therefore, even if he was severely injured and in pain, he could only suffer the consequences himself.

"Miss Zhong, you're really skilled. You beat me up so badly, but they can't find anything wrong. I'm impressed."

Nangong Nuannuan smiled. "I'm flattered."

"Help me," Kitano Satoshi said to the girl beside him.

When the girl heard this, she stood up to give Kitano Satoshi the support he wanted but was interrupted by Nangong Nuannuan.