Kill Order

"Yes, yes, yes. I've failed to educate Shizuka and her son well. Kitano Satoshi actually provoked Queen. It's my fault. However, Queen has already punished Kitano Satoshi. Moreover, it seems that Queen isn't angry anymore. I heard that she has already left Yamato."

"That's good."

After hearing Feng Shengxuan's words, Fujiwara I's heart finally calmed down.

"So… you came here to blow up my plane just to tell me about Queen?"

"I didn't know that the person who offended Nuannuan was your younger sister's son."

Fujiwara I, "...!!!"

"I'm here to ask you a question."

Fujiwara I's heart, which finally calmed down, started palpitating again.

"Alright. I'll tell you everything I know."

"Do you know that Bai Liyue's mine?"


Fujiwara I felt that the sky was collapsing in his world. 

"Phoenix, let me explain. This matter…"

"Call me King!"