Bear Children

Then, the following scene unfolded.

A certain political figure said, "Congratulations, Big Brother Nangong. I didn't expect your granddaughter to be so impressive. If you hadn't told us, we wouldn't have known that she was your granddaughter from your daughter's side."

"What granddaughter from my daughter's side? Do you realize what you're saying? Nuannuan is my granddaughter from the paternal side too. She changed her surname to Nangong!" (Although they forgot to change that on her household registration, it was a task that could be easily achieved.)

"Haha, yes, yes, yes. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Congratulations to Big Brother Nangong for having such an impressive granddaughter. I'm so envious." Although it was a compliment, he was really envious.

"Exactly! Our Nuannuan has a good memory. Studying isn't a problem for her at all!"