How Is That Possible

Shi Gen was also incomparably shocked in his heart, but after thinking for a moment, a smile appeared on his face. "It seems that your stepfather, Duke Eton, must've been worried sick about you, this adopted daughter of his! He must've invested in Tianheng Holdings for you, right?"

"Elder Shi, you have no idea how wrong what you said is. Even if Duke Eton invested in it, all the kudos go to Nuannuan to be able to develop it into 55 superstores in Camino," Zeng Wenyi was displeased with Shi Gen and retorted him immediately.

Nangong Nuannuan smiled and said, "I threw my own money into Tianheng Holdings. My father didn't pay for it."

Shi Gen laughed. "I don't believe you."

"There's nothing I can do even if Grandfather Shi doesn't believe me. Indeed, for normal people, being able to inherit the family business and bring it to greater heights is already very impressive."

After saying that, Nuannuan stopped talking.