Acute Kidney Failure

Hearing this, Nuannuan frowned and walked into the room.

Elder Hong paused momentarily when he saw Nuannuan before making way for her. After all, he had witnessed the Nangong family's young miss' miraculous medical expertise.

Nuannuan approached Chi Zeyao's bed and pretended to check his pulse by holding his hand, but in reality, she was observing his physical condition.

Although Nuannuan had stabilized his conditions after their last acupuncture session, his illness had probably acted up again because he had been too tired in the past few days.

The first-aid doctor just pushed a wheeled stretcher over. Just as he was about to move Chi Zeyao, he saw Nangong Nuannuan blocking their way. At this moment, sending the patient to the hospital as soon as possible was a life-saving measure.