The Intent To Hate

Nuannuan and Bai Liyue agreed that they would take turns to accompany Feng Shengxuan on alternating days. Originally, it would have been best for Nuannuan to take care of Feng Shengxuan on the first night, but she needed to apply acupuncture on Second Uncle for the next two days. That was why Nuannuan had to go back.

Feng Shengxuan, who had been resting with his eyes closed, immediately snapped his eyes open when he heard Nuannuan say she was leaving. He glanced at her and then, at Bai Liyue.

Bai Liyue's eyes narrowed. After a moment of silence, she said, "Nuannuan, why don't you go back with them first? I should stay here."

After hearing Bai Liyue's words, the dissatisfaction in Feng Shengxuan's eyes instantly disappeared.

He had never had any control over Nuannuan, this heartless girl. However, Bai Liyue should at least stay and take care of him, right?

When Bai Liyue was injured, he was the one who took care of her the entire time.