Take Care of The General

[Dan Muxi has been competing with Best Actress Mu ever since she debuted. What a pity. Ugly Duckling will always be Ugly Duckling. A b*tch will always be a b*tch. God knows what's good for her. She deserves to be facesmacked by Best Actress Mu every time. You don't deserve to be a human. A b*tch like you should be cursed for eternity!]

[Strongly requesting to ban this slut!]

[Am I the only one who placed the most emphasis on General Nangong? Ahhhh, how handsome my General Nangong is! He's so handsome, suave, so responsible, so cold-blooded, and manly! Yet, he was injured, and in the chest too! Is his life in danger? [Frenzied Face] [Frenzied Face] [Frenzied Face]]

General Nangong must get better! [Prayer] [Prayer] [Prayer] [Prayer] [Prayer]]

[Great job, Best Actress Mu. Film festivals are just fleeting clouds. Your husband should be your utmost priority! You must take good care of General Nangong!]