The Man Who Stood Up For Her

"You allowed your daughter to rob my life, rob my boyfriend, and used despicable means to steal my show. To hook up with the director, you tried to make me sell my body. After failing in that, Dan Muxi found someone to try to rape me and completely ruin me.

"The last time Jin caught Dan Muxi in the act along with evidence of her crime, he warned her and you to leave my life. Yet, what did you do? Not only did you badmouth me behind my back, you even rushed over to the hospital to order me around.

"Fan Siyi, are you crazy? Who are you to order me around?"

Nuannuan looked at the so-called "mother" and saw her stiffening her neck. In her persistent stubbornness, she exclaimed, "That's because I'm your mother! After your parents died, I'm your legal guardian!"

"Oh, you're my guardian! I couldn't sue you before, but now I have a plan. I'm going to sue you for child abuse!"

"You…!!!" Fan Siyi was furious.