The Person Who Carried Shi Yalin

Nangong Nuannuan came to Shi Yalin's side and smiled at her.

"Don't worry, for the sake of the Nangong family, I won't massacre your entire family for the time being. However, that will depend on whether your family acts sensibly after this. If not, I really don't mind making the entire Shi family disappear off the face of the earth."

Then, Nangong Nuannuan's tone changed. "But you, even if I don't plan to kill you, you'll lose a layer of skin! Who asked you to covet my man and still want me dead? However, since I'm someone who turned over a new leaf, I'll spare you your life. I'll let you live in a conscious but comatose state forever—you'll sense everything around you, but you can't look, can't speak, and can't move… You'll be what is commonly known as the living dead!"

"No… No… You can't do this to me! You can't…"