
Nuannuan was about to go upstairs to pack her clothes when she saw Feng Shengxuan rushing downstairs. She was a little stunned.

"Big Bro, where are you going?"

"Just heading out for a while." With that, Feng Shengxuan had already "flown" downstairs from the second floor.

He did fly because he skipped six steps on the stairs. He leaped just like that.

By the time Nuannuan regained her senses, Feng Shengxuan had already reached the entryway in the living room and was changing into another pair of shoes.

"Hey, we're also leaving in an hour…"

Feng Shengxuan was gone before Nuannuan could finish her sentence.

Chi Zeyao also came out of the kitchen and saw Feng Shengxuan's fleeting figure.

"What's with him? Where is he going?"

Nuannuan scratched her head. "I don't know either."

"Will he be back for lunch?"

"I don't think so. In the afternoon, Big Bro, Selina, Dan Qi, and I are heading to Naboo."