The Man in the Wheelchair

It was at this time that Feng Shengxuan wound down his window.

When the man saw who was sitting inside the Maybach, he realized he messed up.

What did he just do?

Did he just crash into Best Actor Feng's car?

"Best… Best Actor Feng, I…"

"Move the car!"

Feng Shengxuan was in a hurry to see Bai Liyue; he did not have time to bother about such a small matter.

Looking at the Maybach that he crashed into until a huge patch of scratches appeared, the driver blinked. When he realized what had happened, he immediately bowed in gratitude and moved his car away.

Feng Shengxuan immediately drove off to look for a certain troublesome woman.

When he drove away, the driver quickly took a picture of his license plate and posted it on his Weibo.