Could Not Understand Anything

With his face being recognized once again, Feng Shengxuan was rather irritated. He looked at Bai Liyue and ordered, "Go."

Bai Liyue did not want to obediently trot behind him, but seeing that everyone was starting to take pictures of him with their cameras, she could only follow him.

The fanatical fans forgot to eat as they chased the fleeing pair.

Fortunately, this was a relatively remote place, so Feng Shengxuan quickly pulled Bai Liyue into the car.

The car had already driven for some distance before Feng Shengxuan said with a dark face, "Bai Liyue, I'm warning you, you're not allowed to interact with this Xiao Shenbin again, do you hear me?"

Back then, Bai Liyue would listen to everything he said, almost like a robot without her own thoughts. Therefore, when Feng Shengxuan finished speaking, Bai Liyue did not even need to respond to him.

However, this time, Bai Liyue replied to him indifferently. "Why? You're not my father."