Shut Up

"Youngster, don't be too arrogant. There are plenty of people who are more powerful than you in this world. Don't ruin your future because of your ego. I don't care what you do in Camino, but in Naboo, you still have to bow down to me even if you're a dragon. Do you understand? Apologize to my son now!"

Dan Qi, who never spoke a word, stepped forward to teach this man a lesson, only to be stopped by Nangong Nuannuan.

Nangong Nuannuan knew that Dan Qi and Selina both had horrible tempers. Nangong Nuannuan was the future wife of a military officer, not forgetting the fact that she had decided to leave her past behind. Therefore, under normal circumstances, she would resolve this kind of small dispute through verbal arguments. Therefore, she did not intend to do anything to this peculiar family.

"Apologize? Well, I'm afraid I apologize to no one other than my fiancé."