First Lady

"You want me to get into bed? These red sheets won't be able to hide me!"

What the heck…

Nangong Nuannuan felt like digging a hole in the ground and hiding in it.

"Big Brother Chi Yang, I'm not asking you to get into bed. I want you to get under the bed! Hide for a while! I'll let you out soon."

He glared at her. "You actually want your husband to get under the bed so a wild man can come in here and court you?"

Chi Yang, who was furious, wanted to open the door and grab a gunnysack to beat Wei Du to death.

Nangong Nuannuan, "..."

"Miss Nuannuan, are you here? May I come in?"

Nangong Nuannuan heard Wei Du taking out some keys from his pocket. Obviously, locking the door was a useless defense against him.

"Mr. President, please wait a moment."

Hearing Nangong Nuannuan's voice, Wei Du's key, which had already been inserted into the lock, stopped turning.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."