I Am Dirty

Chi Yang quickly retracted his hand and frowned. He looked at his little wife's blackened face and knew that she had to think that he was smelly.

He was extremely embarrassed, but he forced himself to ask, "What… is this?"

"These are the impurities from your body. These impurities have always been in your blood vessels and meridians. When the supernatural cells cleared your blood vessels and meridians, these impurities were all expelled from your body. Big Brother Chi Yang, this is the best thing that could have happened to you. I saw the injuries you suffered in the past. Those damaged blood vessels and meridians have become very healthy now after being washed out by the supernatural cells."

Seeing how happy his wife was as if she could not smell his stench at all, Chi Yang felt as if his heart was being held by a gentle hand. It felt very safe and warm.

Hence, when Nuannuan spoke with a radiant smile, he listened with a smile too.