With Our Stinky Money

However, there was still the Hermes bag on the seat. Nuannuan picked up the bag and threw it away as if she was throwing out rubbish.

Since the bag was opened, many things fell out when she threw it. 

Seeing this, the air stewardess immediately retrieved a broom and swept away the 'rubbish' on the ground.

As for Mr. Su, Mrs. Su, and Su Fei, they were 'invited' off the plane by the people from Phoenix Pavilion.

They watched helplessly as their luggage was thrown down to them like trash. However, when they saw a group of people holding machine guns in front of them and looking fierce, they did not dare to speak. They were terrified that the mercenaries would shoot their faces off if they made them upset.

After all, this was Naboo—not Camino. If they died in Naboo, no one would help them.

Mrs. Su held back her anger and could only watch as the plane took off and flew out of their sight.