Second Uncle Got Reprimanded

Many years later, if Nuannuan was asked to recall the most heartwarming scene she had ever seen in her home, she would not hesitate to recount this tale.

Lil Sun, Lil Ling'er, and Da Bai noticed Nangong Nuannuan at almost the exact same time.



The two little buns and the lion shouted nearly in unison. They called out to Nangong Nuannuan before running over.

When the fat duck heard the lion behind it roaring, it was still flapping its chubby wings in a silly manner. From time to time, it would float a little bit above the ground. As its companions left, it let out a miserable cry and flew towards the direction of the house to find another friend to play with.

Second Aunt would definitely help it! It had to find her.