Little Golden Man

Every time Chi Yang was just about to catch up to Nuannuan, the girl would suddenly jump away, acting like she was doing her best to stay out of his clutches. If he stopped chasing her, she would stop moving too. If he chased her, she would begin to run away.

When he stopped moving, she kicked cobblestones at him. When he moved, she ran away like a frightened rabbit again.

Chi Yang felt helpless. He had been through so many battles, but this was the most difficult one.

Finally, Chi Yang smashed almost all the pebbles on the ground with his bare hands. His fists turned red.

"Nuannuan, the cobblestones are all gone now. Can we stop playing? Grandpa is still waiting for us at home."

Nuannuan giggled as she looked at Chi Yang. It was obvious she had not used up all of her primal energy yet.

Looking at the empty lawn and Chi Yang's car beside her, Nuannuan's eyes lit up. "There might not be any stones left, but there's still a car."