Semi-finished Product 

However, an hour later, this bacteria decayed.

Nuannuan was depressed for a moment. She made some more bacteria and dripped them into the medicine that she had developed over the past two days. After waiting for an hour, this bacteria turned into mutated bacteria. She then dripped in some medicine to deal with the mutated bacteria. After waiting another hour, after the mutated bacteria turned into ordinary bacteria, she used the ordinary anti-inflammatory medicine. It was a success.

Although she had successfully destroyed the bacteria, there was a problem.

She had only studied a small portion of the bacteria, but close to Ning Wenhao's entire lung was infected. 

Such a small amount of bacteria had taken 3 hours to destroy. If she used this on Ning Wenhao, it would take at least 15 days to completely remove the infection from his lungs.

However, Ning Wenhao could not hold out for that long anymore.