Saving His Legs

It could be said that Chi Yang had tried his best to save Huang Zichu's legs.

The blood vessels and meridians in his legs were injured in many places, leaving his blood unable to flow. His meridians were blocked, causing numbness and pain. He had been unable to walk like a normal person.

Therefore, in order for Huang Zichu to stand up and walk like a normal person, his damaged blood vessels and meridians would have to be cut open. The thinnest thread and the thinnest needle possible would have to be used to suture his blood vessels and meridians. The middle of these blood vessels and meridians had to be hollowed out, while the outer wall was closed.

Ordinary people would not be able to see injured blood vessels clearly, let alone suture them. Therefore, no one dared to treat Huang Zichu's leg.

Even if they were lucky, it would still take about half an hour to open a blood vessel.

After all, this was a delicate job.