Will Nuannuan Help The People?

Qin Muyang did not feel any shame in it. That was what he meant, so he nodded and said, "Ning Wenhao was already so sick. Didn't your medicine heal him very quickly?"

What mattered most was that he had heard from Dr. Cai that Nangong Nuannuan was actually the real chairman of the Imperial Phoenix Group. At the same time, she was also the genius pharmacist who had shocked the medical world.

Therefore, although it was a drug that had not been approved by the drug regulatory agency, Qin Muyang had a lot of trust in Nuannuan's ability to develop something trustworthy.

After all, some very effective but expensive and difficult-to-acquire cancer drugs, drugs that could delay the onset of AIDS indefinitely, and some nerve-fighting drugs had been produced by the Imperial Phoenix Group before.

However, the Nangong family refused.

Nangong Shu was the first to object.

"I definitely don't agree."

"I don't agree either."

"I don't agree either."