The Little Girl Has Grown Up

People were often like this. When they wanted something, they would work hard to get it, but once they got it, they would not know how to treasure it. Only when they lost it would they know how to regret it. When they fully understand that they had lost what they got because they did not know how to treasure it, they would regret it so much that even cutting off their stomach would not be enough to quell their hatred for what they did back then.

However, did it matter? 

Not everyone was as lucky as Nuannuan to have been blessed and generously rewarded for being a good person in her past life.

There were no 'if's in the world.

After Qi Huiyin and Mu Qingling were taken away, the room fell into a short awkward silence.

Mu Qingxuan realized that almost everyone was looking at her.

She could ignore the other gazes, but Brother Ye's gaze was like a laser beam that bore into her, making her ears turn red.