It Would Not Be Her Business

"Forget it. Let's take it slow. I'll transfer the family's property first if I can. I've also made a deal with Jiaxiang. As long as he's willing to help me, I'll still acknowledge him as my son. I'll divorce her and split the property after I've transferred everything I can."

When Grandma Pei heard that the Pei family's property was going to be divided and given to the daughter of a miner, she was extremely furious. Her face was covered in hatred.

"If you can't get a divorce publically, can't you do it in secret? The Leng family has already severed all ties with her. Look at her crying and throwing tantrums all the time. Even Leng Qirui, the current head of the family, ignores her. She has no backing. Can't you think of a way to mess with her? Do you really have to give away the Pei family's property?"

Pei Jicheng's eyes widened.